Young Adults Succeed
Making Mental Health Happen Everyday at LICHS
May is Mental Health Awareness Month! At Zone 126, we’re aware that student success is not simply about attendance, grades and becoming college and career ready. We believe central to every students’ success is the wellbeing of the ‘whole child’ – their mental health and wellness. Many of the students entering our school doors everyday are under immense stress and pressure. Adolescents, while facing a pivotal transitional period in their lives, are having to care for younger siblings, translate for family members newly immigrated to the US, navigate a complex school system and much more. At Long Island City High School (LICHS), we recognize these challenges and collaboratively implement holistic support services that fit each student’s needs. One such support service is LICHS’ onsite Healthfulness Center run by the Child Center of New York (CCNY). With the clinic in place, students can receive mental health services at school in an environment where they feel comfortable rather than needing to seek an outside provider.
CCNY Clinicians Chrissie Chua- Ly van manh, LMHC and Jennifer Triana, LCSW state:
“Working at the SBMH [school-based mental health] program at LICHS, we have been realizing impactful outcomes on student mental health. In honor of Mental Health Awareness month, we are doing drop-in sessions for students that just want to learn more about who we are and what we do. We will be having a school-wide Mental Health Awareness day on Friday, May 31 where school staff are invited to wear green to show their support!”
In addition, we must remember that as staff members, our own mental health is critical to supporting students. With this in mind, CCNY, LICHS and Zone 126 have also partnered to create and maintain a Serenity Space within the school building for staff members. The space is a technology-free zone and includes massage chairs and white noise machines. Staff can utilize this space to decompress and recharge during their day in order to bring their best energy and attitude into working with students.
While May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we should all strive to ensure the wellbeing of our students and our own selves, this month and every month.
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