A Hub Has Formed at IS 126Q
At IS 126Q, one room on the fourth floor stands out from the rest with its colorful, glittery door that reads “Throw Kindness Like Confetti.” Inside, you can find two teal bean bag chairs, a wide assortment of snacks, art and school supplies in every corner, a mini-library, and two dedicated Zone 126 staff members: Ms. Valentina, the Community School Director, and myself, Ms. Catherine, the Attendance Success Mentor Coordinator. Day by day the office is increasingly becoming a hub for teachers and students alike at the middle school. Teachers pop in to refer students for a particular program, ask for support with family outreach, and request supplies for students in need. Several teachers also meet with Zone 126 staff to collaborate on school-wide events, such as the Food Drive and the upcoming Winter Wonderland Celebration, a school-wide afterschool event honoring good attendance and behavior.
Students drop by the office to engage in one on one mentoring, including conversations about academics, attendance, and healthy habits. More and more they are just popping in to say “Good morning” and request PBIS points for wearing uniform (to which I happily agree to give). Recently, they’ve stopped by to ask about our Coat Drive and to check out some library books, all of which are new, depicting stories from many genres and corners of the world. (The first borrowed books were Jay Z’s “Decoded” and Anna Mariano’s “Love Sugar Magic.”) As for the aforementioned Winter Wonderland Celebration, we’ve acquired a few regular student helpers assisting with preparations, such as taking count of inventory and making decorations. There’s always something happening at the community school’s office, and there’s no sign of that stopping anytime soon.
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