Developing Parenting Skills to Promote Student Learning
NYU ParentCorps at CS 111Q is a family-centered, school-based program to help all young students develop foundational skills for learning. The program does so by engaging parents in their children’s school and home life. NYU ParentCorps parent Anette described her overall experience of participating in NYU ParentCorps as “helpful and an learning experience”. She believed that she gained new skills to better work with her daughter. She was able to build a “better and more trusting relationship with her daughter” as well.
Anette’s highlights of the program include meeting new parents and sharing her parenting stories with others. She was able to relate to other parents and the challenges they were facing with their children. In addition, she learned strategies from other parents, and shared effective interventions that she utilizes with her daughter. Anette described the parents in the group as her “support system.” The program has also had a positive impact on her daughter. Her daughter felt more confident because she realized her mom would no longer scold her but talk through the challenge and create solutions with her. This allowed their relationship to grow tremendously. Anette’s willingness to spend more time with her daughter was another positive impact during the growth of their relationship. The program reinforced the importance of reading and engaging in other everyday academic-centric activities with one’s child. Her takeaway message from NYU ParentCorps which she would like to share with other parents is “Listen to your child and pay attention to your child’s behaviors. Sometimes your children speak to you without actually speaking.”
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