Community Pride takes a Village!
City Year has been a long standing partner at IS 126Q, each day AmeriCorps members provide support in various ways to students and the school through academic support, attendance improvement and much more. Many of the students develop strong mentorship bonds with members during and after-school that support the school’s overall climate. On the morning of November 2, City Year joined school administrators, teachers, and Wells Fargo employees in a beautification effort funded by Wells Fargo. This community work is the embodiment of City Year’s long standing tradition of excellent service to its community and its students. “We wanted to highlight the richness of Queens’ diversity, and relate it to the many backgrounds that make up the ethnic fabric of the United States” a group of volunteers explained, while adding finishing touches to the many artwork pieces developed. The commitment to involving professionals, leaders, and school staff in volunteering activities stems from the understanding and value Principal Angueira places in “making connections for the students about the importance of service and community” he stated, adding that “it is not only about coming to school and learning, it is also about being a member of the community and being a productive member of society.” The murals and decorative banners create a colorful and welcoming atmosphere for students, reminding them of the value and appreciation this community has for the neighborhood as well as them.
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