Attendance + Caring Adult = Positive Relationships That Matter!

The Attendance Mentorship Program kicked off at IS 126Q on March 11. The initiative was started in an effort to improve student academic outcomes and to address the challenge of absenteeism. Over 60 mentees were paired with mentors (administrators, teachers, and other key staff at the school). In the past month we have seen significant attendance improvement, as close to 40 of the mentees had perfect attendance. Along with our absenteeism initiative, we have begun to work to support our students who are chronically late to school, and we are seeing that they are striving to arrive earlier and checking in with their mentors to let them know that they have arrived on time, and ready to learn.

Ms. Perullo a math and science Special Education teacher, personalized her mentor-mentee strategy by having conversations one-on-one about the importance of personal responsibility and good habits. Ms. Perullo took her discussion a step further by rallying her students to walk with her to school. The lateness and attendance initiative is having a positive peer influence, and that can be seen when fellow students cheered on, another student who came in on time, who normally does not. “Punishing, nagging, and yelling does not work” Ms. Perullo said, “Getting to know the students story and finding ways to connect with them is key.” Ms. Perullo is looking forward to continuing to develop the bonds between the mentees and her.