A Memorable Visit from Santa and His Elves
“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the
best of all.”
– Jacqueline Kennedy
PS 171Q students had a surprise visit from the North Pole this past holiday season, when Santa made a special visit to the school. Along with him followed some extra special Student Elves from Long Island City High School (LICHS) and Rudolphina the Zone 126 Reindeer. Students in Pre- K through 5th grade were treated to hot cocoa and cookies served to them by the LICHS students, while listening to the chorus and band play holiday tunes. Each student from the elementary school had the opportunity to take their holiday photo with Santa, and was given an age-appropriate book as a gift.
The event was a first time collaboration between PS 171Q and Long Island City High School. Zone 126 spent weeks leading up to the event reaching out to board members, local business, and private donors to obtain new books. All 520 students at the school were able to walk away with a book to either build or add to their own personal home collection. The idea for providing a book to each student came from thinking about Kindergarten readiness, as well as 3rd grade reading proficiency. A widening achievement gap in low-income neighborhoods, can often affect high-school graduation rates. Providing a book and sparking an interest, was the opportunity to give the gift of literacy in the Zone this holiday season.
Please join us next year as we begin to continue this collaboration between PS 171Q and Long Island City High School to continue spreading the joy of literacy.