ANNOUNCEMENTS: Welcome to our new website, click around to find out more about us.

Chronic Absenteeism
& Improving Educational Outcomes

Zone 126’s mission is to combat chronic absenteeism by connecting students to youth development programming that builds pathways to college, the workforce, and promising futures.


Zone 126 envisions a community in which all students have the support needed to participate in their education and pursue successful futures that break generational cycles of poverty.

Boy Under Tree Book Paper Boat Students

Core Values


Our work is rooted in the optimism that all individuals have the best of intentions.


Our high-quality programs are delivered in a way that values and preserves the dignity of all students and community members.


Our work is grounded in our local community—and we honor their legacy, diversity, and unique strengths and needs.

Partnership Power

Our organizational model is enriched through the alignment with our partners who honor and support our community.

Responsive Innovation

Our ability to adapt to meet our community’s emerging needs is paramount to our success.


Unique students engaged across all 3 partner schools
Based off of School Year 2023-2024


Reduction in the chronic absenteeism rate among 6th-8th grade students
Based off of change from School Year 2021-2022 to 2023-2024


Current high school graduation rate, up from 66.51% in 2011
Based off of LICHS's graduation rate growth over 13 years of partnership

Pathways to Powerful Futures

Our Approach

Academic Success

Student Wellness


Academic Success

Through a robust roster of After-School, Arts & Culture, Future Success, and Leadership & Mentorship programs, we promote students’ school attendance and academic success.

Student Wellness

Student wellness offerings include both Mental Health and Physical Health programs, ensuring that students feel safe and supported within the school setting.

Community Action for Responsive Engagement


Community Action for Responsive Engagement initiative includes Food Insecurity and Basic Needs Support programs, addressing the external factors that can impact students’ engagement at school.

Our Locations

In Their Own Words

I feel like Zone 126 already helped change us even though we had just started high school. Imagine if from Pre-K or Kindergarten all the way to 12th grade students have had a good structure created by Zone 126. Honestly, kids spend more than half of their time in school, so if they don’t have that structure, or if they don’t have good role models in schools, its not going to help them.

– Amari, 12th grade student at
Long Island City High School

They offer a lot of opportunities, especially college help. I know for many of us that’s a fear, and we’re not prepared for college and the future – life after high school. Zone 126 has really helped me know what I want to do, see what schools I want to attend, and the opportunities there are.

– Ryan, 12th grade student at
Long Island City High School

The creation and close partnership with Zone 126 since 2011 has been integral to achieving student success in Western Queens. It has taken 13 years, but it is deeply gratifying to see the CBO, school and program partnerships come together to ensure that students are attending school 10 more days per school year, a tremendous indicator for student success. We are incredibly proud.

– Pooja Joshi, Executive Director of the Elmezzi Foundation

Zone 126 has an after-school program that helps benefit the teens. It can help with, homework help and more, but it’s a place where kids can feel safe. They have people to talk to. Its somewhere where people can use their creative minds and be themselves and not be judged. They can do things of their interest, and they can get college help or any help that they need. So, it’s an after school-program that benefits the children and their needs.

- Amanda, 12th grade student at
Long Island City High School

Zone 126 is more than an after-school program, they have many lots of clubs and programs that run during the school day, like College n’ Career Speed Chat n’ Chew that help us make connections with professionals that are useful to us. We get very useful advice about careers. They create a safe space for us to go during our lunch periods or to go speak anyone we need to at any time.

- Joey, 11th grade student at
Long Island City High School

I feel like Zone 126 is a really, really huge support system. Its not just mental health support, but academic help as well. Recently they added college support as well as homework help. I feel like Zone 126 has really helped shape a lot of students. You can say “Oh I’ve learned how to paint or draw or express myself as I am and not be as shy.

- Maria, 11th grade student at
Long Island City High School

I feel like Zone 126 staff are really good role models, and that more children need role models, very positive role models. Because if they shaped us from 13 to 17, what can they do with elementary school kids from five to 10, and 11 to 13 who are about to attend high school. I feel like they would be better for communities overall.

- Brian, 12th grade student at
Long Island City High School

Zone 126 staff sat me down every day for a whole week, and I was able to get my college essays done within less than a couple of days, after months of procrastinating and not being ready for the thought of college.

- Karisma, 12th Grade Student at
Long Island City High School

When you’re struggling with a class, Zone 126 staff will sit you down and do goal setting with you. They’ll find a structure and they’ll be like, “Okay prioritize this or that.” They’ll help you get your work done and on time, so that you don’t fail or procrastinate. They’ll always push you to go to classes, push you and motivate you. It’s very helpful because you get things done.

- Amari, 11th Grade Student at
Long Island City High School

The school pantry provided by Zone 126 has been a big help for my family. We are a family of seven and we have had a lot of hardships, like many other families in the neighborhood. I am trying to better my education and I am about to become a Medical Assistant and unfortunately, I am not working right now. It’s a good support and especially when is given with love and dignity. Thank you.

- Anonymous Parent of
Student at IS 126Q

We couldn't do it without Our Partners

Zone 126 uses an approach called “Collective Impact” meaning we connect our community and schools with local service providers in a cross-sector effort to enrich our students.

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